
The Chair of International Management congratulates Marc Oberhauser on the successful defense of his PhD thesis wishing him all the best for his future.

Category: Awards, News

The examination review session for Intercultural Competence takes place on Tuesday, April 06, 2021 between 09:00 and 11:00 o’clock German time. Students have the possibility to get an overview of the points received in the exam within an allocated time frame. In case you want to take part in t...

Category: News, Teaching

The article “Expatriates at the base-of-the-pyramid. Precarious employment or fortune in a foreign land?” by Professor Dr. Dirk Holtbrügge was published in the Journal of Global Mobility.

Category: News, Publications

Professor Dr. Tatjana Nikitina taught a two-week course on management in Russia in November 2020. Prof. Nikitina from the Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics is an experienced scholar in the field. The course was focused on the Russian culture and economy and students from the bachelor in...

Category: News, Partner Universities

Laura Kirste gewinnt beim Alex-Lehrpreis in der Kategorie Best-of-schnell-digital! Mit dem schnell-digital!-Lehrpreis ALEX sollen besonders gelungene und hochwertige digitale Lehrangebote in sechs verschiedenen Kategorien gewürdigt werden. Eine überwältigende Anzahl von Einreichungen ging dazu in...

Category: News, Teaching