
The article “Apologize or Deny? How Companies Defend Legitimacy of Wall Street, Main Street and Market Street after Corporate Misconduct" by Prof. Dr. Marc Oberhauser (ESCP Madrid), Dr. Marcus Conrad (Schaeffler) and Prof. Dr. Dirk Holtbrügge has been accepted for publication in Corporate Social Res...

Category: News, Publications

The article “Peer performance evaluations in global virtual teams: A longitudinal analysis of surface- and deep-level attributes” by the member of the department Theresa Bernhard and her co-authors Ernesto Tavoletti (University of Macerata, Italy), Longzhu Dong (University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire) a...

Category: News, Publications

Pandemie als nicht alltägliches Event-Risk. Auf der Suche nach Resilienz für Staaten, Unternehmen, Banken und Vermögen. Der Buchbeitrag von Professor Dr. Dirk Holtbrügge und Dr. Marcus Conrad ist im Springer Verlag erschienen und befasst sich mit den Auswirkungen der COVID-19-Pandemie. Die aktue...

Category: News, Partner Universities, Publications

The article “Systematic cross-cultural management education: a quasi-experimental analysis of guided experiential learning during intercultural simulations” by Dr. Christina Heidemann, former member of the Department, and Prof. Mikael Søndergaard from Aarhus University was published in Cross Cultura...

Category: News, Publications, Research

The paper "When the Chinese guy becomes the female IT specialist Liu - a conceptualization of reputational shifts in international assignments" authored by Theresa Bernhard, M.Sc. and Professor Dr. Dirk Holtbrügge and published in Journal of Global Mobility, has been featured in the journal's bitblo...

Category: News, Publications, Research

The new book “Intercultural Management” by Professor Dirk Holtbrügge has been published by SAGE. It is accompanied by PowerPoint decks and a teaching guide featuring chapter summaries, further reading and video links. More information can be found here.

Category: News, Publications

The article “Dynamics of Organizational Identification in the Wake of a Foreign Acquisition” by Dr. Christina Heidemann and Prof. Dr. Dirk Holtbrügge was published in the Journal of Applied Behavioral Science. More information can be found here.

Category: News, Publications

The article “Shaping the attitudes of Russian managers in ethical issues - Personal attributes and environmental pressure” by Prof. Dr. Marc Oberhauser, Prof. Dr. Dirk Holtbrügge & Prof. Igor Gurkov, PhD (Higher School of Economics, Moscow), was accepted for publication in the International Jour...

Category: News, Publications, Research

The article „If It Works Here, How Can We Make It Work Anywhere? Reputation Transfer Across Borders” by Theresa Bernhard is published in AIB Insights as part of the Special Issue on “Reputation Across Borders”. More information can be found here

Category: News, Publications